Wow, you packed a lot into that talk! It’s such a pity that you were given such a short amount of time to talk about such broad topics. What struck me was you telling a group of law students to put logic on the back burner or at least to not use solely logic, probably went right through one of their ears and out the other. You could’ve spent the entire 18 minutes on this point alone and still not gotten it across due to the way they are trained to think and act. Bravo to you for trying!

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Interesting, in the context of "Perspectiva will be in touch again soon with an update on our community offering," and my comment below about inner moves that check-mate our so-called rationality and the *make-believe* aspect of our conscious awareness of reality. I received an email from the Realisation Festival event organizers cancelling my ticket and promising a full refund, of course.

And in the interests of transparency, a principle, which I'm sure the fine upstanding members of the community agree with, the reason for the cancellation is, "We have read the comments by you on the social media of several people connected to the Festival, and feel that your approach is not compatible with what we offer at Realisation."

Seriously! Are people more concerned with themselves than the *metacrisis* and the fact that thousands of children will die during the event in June, as members have a *nice* time? Why not let me attend & have the pleasure of watching highly educated people punch holes in anything I have to say, or wonder about the non-conscious impulse to ignore what I say?

Especially when it comes of showing people the reification-fallacy of their conditioned rationality & how to experience the psychological death & resurrection that enables an embodied grasp the reality of being-in-time, alluded to in the *appearances* structure of the Christ narrative. Is there a *fear* of embarrassment, should I expose the lack of self-knowledge & awareness of *venerated* essay writers?

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David Bates, I don't understand the basis for the hostility in your comments. I tried to find other articles or comments on your Substack to help me to see where you are coming from, but I was unsuccessful. I will, on occasion, check your Substack for clues if you should post some. Just curious.

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Dear Dennis, the basis for my apparent hostility is, like Minna Salami says in the 'funding idea' of the antidebate, I'm tired! Tried of the pretense and intellectually sloppy use of language in essays and staged performances like Johnathan's in his Talk at NYU. And I set out to try to bring the non-conscious nature of human behavior into the foreground awareness of this community by being provocative, knowing the inevitable 'avoidance' reactions from people claiming to be *getting real* about the metacrisis.

My approach, which people understandably don't like is based on the insights into our *pretentious* Ego's by people like R. D. Laing, Gregory Bateson, Murray Bowen, etc., and observations into the rituals of so-called civilized behavior within the emotional Rank & Status Ponzi Scheme, Perspectivia laughingly labels, systems-souls-society, seemingly oblivious to mother natures historical joke on humanity, as the *instinctive* nature of our non-consciously orchestrated behavior. Consider:

“They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game” ― R.D. Laing

Ipso facto, I have broken the rules that maintain polite society's emotional Ponzi scheme & just as Laing predicted I am being punished for it, with the cancelation of my ticket to the June festival event.

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A good talk Johnathan, but is it based on the ignorance & stupidity we see manifest in what the reality-labelling term metacrisis, represents or more accurately symbolizes, as a written word? What possessed you to pick up the globe and use it in your talk & only half heartedly demonstrate the way the planet is immersed in the darkness of space, by failing to mention its constant rotation?

Does a Brit like your good self need the big Daft-Lad perspective on human behavior that British comedy is famous for? Is Einstein's notion of the 'infinite' applicable in the global context of your own words:

"I suddenly thought, I know it wants to come to New York with me. It wants, wants to help me tell the story of the renewal of human rights in a new planetary context. And it is a new context. There are three main things I think that characterize this age as planetary in a way that maybe doesn't apply or didn't apply in quite the same way 75 years or so ago when some of the main human rights sort of impetus began the, the Declaration of Human Rights and so on. One of them is that we're in a new phase. It appears of geological time."

A new phase of geological time? Seriously Johnathan?

Recall what Einstein said about the reality-labelling word, 'infinite' in the context of Time: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." And what is the truth about time, in the context of life on Earth?

You said yourself, while holding a toy globe in your hands, that we live in era of globe spanning technology, the power of which, allows us to communicate with each other from polar opposites within the earth-turning nature of time, like the London and +12 GMT of Christchurch for example. Allowing us to communicate in real-time, while mindlessly conforming to the Blah-Lambs of Creation (the only sheep on the planet who can pull the wool over our own eyes) Delusion, inherent in the reification-fallacy of a consensus-reality idea, that the truth about time on earth is discovered in the Abstract Concept of Zones?

You also said "With the change in geological time comes necessarily a shift in our way of operating as a species. Second thing that's happened, and and, and on the first, I should say brutal Artur puts this very well when he says We do not understand the stunning extent to which the situation is unprecedented. The idea that we may be destroying our only home as a species has not happened before like this. An awareness that we're doing it, that we appear to be unable to prevent it, we're shocked by it, stuck by it, confused by it."

And here I suggest that what we don't understand is our 'semiconscious' behaviors, clearly demonstrated in your 'undifferentiated' use of the reality-labelling word 'consciousness,' as-if the word is the experience of consciousness, as another big daft-lad mouths the epistemic delusion inherent in language. Our universal confusion about the nature of language and the nature of reality, which was evidenced in a hierarchical formulation of written words that placed Morality at the top of a perceptual pyramid.

A confused sense of language and reality that is replicated in discussions about attention as a moral act, without knowledge or awareness of our constant non-conscious need to regulate Affect. Discussions that revolve around the non-conscious nature of affective-judgment, and the 'primacy of affect' that Iain McGilchrist mentioned in the Master & His Emissary, yet failed to address in TMWT, because it would take him beneath his all-about-the-brain hypothesis, and the reality that hypothesis's and theories are constructed as much by acts of 'omission' as 'inclusion.'

You also said:

"Normally when you see these globes, they have a lovely sort of spine that allows you to turn and you may also know something curious that the earth when it, the reason we have seasons is when the earth goes around the sun, it doesn't just go spin, it also tilts on its own axis. But this earth unfortunately doesn't have an axis. And that's not a small thing because some believe that we're in a new axial age. The axial age for those who haven't heard of it, is a mostly theological term. Sometimes archeological term refers to a period of time. About two and a half thousand years ago, give or take a few hundred years where there was a transformation in consciousness. Mythos became logos."

IMAGINE! As John Lennon famously sang a song that was voted on as the best 'tune' with which to welcome the 'turn' of the century throughout the English speaking world. And a word the Ladies of Kenya routinely insert into the process of gossip about who's doing what to who, IMAGINE! Delivered with a vocal tone that replicates the 'cerebral-tone' created by cerebral blood-flow and clearly demonstrating a gender 'stance' towards problem solving, seen in men's outcome orientation compared to women's process orientation, generally speaking, of course.

Yet! Imagine for a moment, that the Axial-Age produced a competition between reality-wise people to create the ultimate story about our human condition upon the Cross of Space-Time? Perhaps by imagining 'how' Christ could be a Universal Symbol of Self, as Jung argued.

In June I'll be present at the great Rationalization Festival, to show you 'how' to make the inner-move that check-mates your well-educated sense-of-rationality, by suffering the kind of psychological crucifixion that creates the 'embodied' resurrection alluded to in the 'appearances' structure of the Christ narrative, as I show you the pre-existent Logos, the story is based on, You-Big-Daft-Lad:))

Lastly, may I remind you of the fallacy inherent in taking oneself too seriously, to the point of inhabiting a form of Existential Madness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JSahEDRjvw

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I’m sorry you have been excluded from participating in the festival. It must feel like a slap in the face. You have a lot of anger and it appears from your denigration of Jonathan’s talk that you are frustrated and not at all accepting of the fallibility of humans and their systems/structures. I feel your pain. I recommend you read John O’Donahue’s works. “Sin is woundedness that keeps you stuck in hungry, anxious places and then poison comes from you that is destructive of others”. May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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