With multiple simultaneous crises — political, economic, climate, to name just a few — there is a pressing need to make sense of what is going on and how to respond wisely. And yet most public debate is failing to meet this challenge, descending into mudslinging and point scoring.
The Antidebate is an attempt to remedy this and to act as an antidote to the current state of public dialogue. By valuing humility, curiosity, and the insight that emerges between differing perspectives, it seeks to make understanding (rather than winning) the objective; it sees disagreement and dissonance as fertile soil for new truths and ideas to emerge.
The Antidebate takes place in 3 acts, over 3 hours.
In the first act, we decide the topic of discussion by moving through a process that involves reflections on what really matters, before voting on what subject is most deserving of the group's attention.
In the second act, we move between small and whole group discussions exploring our thoughts, feelings and values as they relate to the question at hand.
And in the third and final act, we move into ‘swarming’, where we playfully engage in a simultaneously collaborative and competitive process, taking a stand for what we believe in and trying to convince others to join us.
The antidebate has been in development for the last 3 years and continues to evolve. For further background, you are welcome to read more about it here: https://systems-souls-society.com/praxis/antidebate
Join us this Wednesday, November 8th, 4pm UK (5pm CET / 11am EST) for our first online version of the Antidebate:
Other upcoming events:
Tuesday 7 November: Culture Club (rescheduled from 31 Oct)
1pm UK / 2pm CET / 8am EST
A salon-style group in which we choose a single, meaningful 'cultural artefact' – book, film, podcast, tv series, album – for discussion. Gently facilitated, with enough room for unexpected pathways into the media and back out again into the world. This week we’re reading Emily Berry’s poem “(my Love Was Two Pieces Put Together)” as part of last month’s Temporics theme.
Monday November 13: ‘Prefixing the World’ with Jonathan Rowson
4pm UK / 5pm CEST / 11am EST / 8am PST
On 13th November, Jonathan Rowson will discuss the evolution of his thoughts behind his recent essay, Prefixing the World: Why the polycrisis is a permacrisis, which is actually a metacrisis, which is not really a crisis at all. How we think about and relate to the metacrisis — and the words we use that shape our shared understanding — may itself be generative of our current predicament. Can we move beyond crisis and live in away that prefigures the next world?
Judeo-messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only reinforced the old Jewish narrative. They are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and which are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets, have ended up reducing our biosymbolic identity and ethnic pride to their minimal expression.
Jewish bankers flooded Europe with Muslims and America with third-world garbage. Exile as punishment for those who preach sedition should be restored within the legal framework of the West. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples.
One sometimes wonders why the European left gets along so well with Muslims. Why does an often overtly anti-religious movement take the side of a fierce religiosity that seems to oppose almost everything the left has always claimed to stand for? Part of the explanation lies in the fact that Islam and Marxism have a common ideological root: Judaism.
Don Rumsfeld was right when he said, "Europe has shifted on its axis," it was the wrong side that won World War II, and it is becoming clearer every day. What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing . . . My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh or some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.